The stories that tend to resonate with me seem to have one major thing in common. the underlying truism that people are terrible. not all, but by and large, we’re petty, manipulative and downright rotten. life’s not fair, and that irks us, but pretending it is, and that everything works out in the end if the hero is brave and strong is a fantasy. maybe a nice one, but it’ll always feel a little too good to be true, and doesn’t sit well with the way we all know the world to be in our core.

damnSo, i enjoy a good disaster. and i think that’s just fine. it’s doubly fun when it happens to the bad guy, and even moreso when the knife has an ironic twist. lately, my new opiate is the Ashley Madison data leak. you can’t write this stuff! and while privacy in the communication age is a slippery slope to start backsliding on, it’s a fairly grin-worthy development. stories are being written all over north america as crappy spouses are shifting uncomfortably at the dinner table waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I try not to take to much enjoyment in the failings of decent people, but i’ll do a doodle if i’m bored at the expense of not-so-decent people…


MV5BMTU5MjQwMzk1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTA5NDgyMw@@._V1_SX214_AL_What’s this got to do with my movie pick this week? nuthin. just a good movie is all.

Laura (1944)’

A detective investigating the murder of a woman, spoiler, named Laura, falls in love with her the deeper he gets into the case.
And if that’s not a depressing as all get-out, i don’t know what is. Some people can’t be faithful to a live spouse, and this guy’s making commitments to a corpse. where are all the good men, am i right ladies?