i think half the reason i write posts anymore is to come up with weird titles that will tie in. sort of. ‘sushi ignition’, sounds like a japanese new wave/punk band.

first things first. the nice folks over at primaryignition, thought it worthwhile to review my little webcomic. must have been a slow week for news, but as reviews go, it’s absolutely glowing. i keep waiting for someone to write a hatchet piece about me, but it hasn’t happened yet. that i know of… anyways, check it out if you have the time.

i thought it was funny i was referred to as an ‘obscure talent’. i suppose in this arena, if you’re not rushing your work at people constantly, you’re a hermit. time to ramp up to ‘shameless’ on the self promotion engine.

almost at random, here’s a movie you should check out.

‘Sushi Girl’ (2012)

this movie is alot of fun. kinda like junk food of noir. the quick and dirty version is as follows. a gang of thieves get together over dinner to figure out what went wrong on a job they were on years ago. the dinner is sushi served on a naked girl, who lays motionless while new crimes are piled on top of old ones.

it’s gory, and rude, and lots of, well, a naked woman, so let’s say it’s not one for the kids. but at the core, there’s a decent story, and mark hamill (star wars) and tony todd (candyman, but i prefer him from the remake of ‘the night of the living dead’) both play over the top lunatics, in their own way.

so check it out. worst case scenario, you saw luke skywalker act like truman copote mixed with the joker, while a naked woman pretended her butt wasn’t falling asleep.