Happy new year! wooooo! let’s make 2020 suck more than 2019 could ever dream of! YEAH! nazis are a thing again. who saw THAT  happening? the future looks great….. i personally resolve to stop reading youtube comments. it’s always like ugh… there’s never a point. it chews away at your sanity like a rat in an office cubicle who has too many reports to finish by 5.

story time!
when i was in school for animation, back when mark whalberg still had a funky bunch (shout out to venture bros) it was a personal point of pride to collect the stubs of the pencils we had ground down to nubs drawing our projects. the school store sold pencil extenders as well, so you could get that extra last inch of pencil. after time, the savings added up. for my first 2 years, i had saved them in large harvey’s fries boxes. 1 per year, and each box held a few hundred inch long coloured dowels that used to be a full length writing instrument. by the 3rd year of college, i became a little less vain.

but, at about a buck a piece, pencils, while not individually expencilive, added up to a young broke so and so who’s idea of eating well was chipping a few mushrooms into his mr noodles. twas a feast, i tell you, i remember i time when i had a pack of noodles, and a friend had an orange crush. we decided to share the bounty, and without rules or an extra bowl and glass, ‘dinner’ was inhaled in 15 seconds flat, with the only indication there had been a meal being a table covered in soup and orange splatter, but i digest….

this rambling was brought to you by apple, the evil multi national corporation, because i was reminded of this story as a plunked down many Audries to purchase a brand spanking new IPad Pro and a single Ipencil. now i know what you’re thinking…. cause i have the app that reads minds. ‘how could i feed into the evil?’. i wondered too. thing is, ever since i was that pencil stub collecting goofball, i had imagined a computer that would replace my sketch book and the case of pencils i had on me at all times. and believe me, it was always. in a back pack, out with friends, at a pub, club or rub and tug, there was that back pack.

for years, the tech just wasn’t there. should have been, but wasn’t. but after seeing people online rave about it, and coworkers buy it, i gave it. i’m no shill, i get nothing for saying this, but as annoying as apple is, they made a fine product, and it’s the drawing tool my younger self would have killed for. as it is, i had to find other reasons to kill. a story for another time.

the nice thing is, you’ll see the products of the ipad as the years go on. all that time on a bench or bus, wishing i could draw is gone. now i won’t have a moment to waste on scenery or self reflection! thank god for that, right?!

I’ve uploaded the first of hopefully many drawings from the ipad to my patreon, if you’d like to check that out. and if you were so inclined, you could even join up to help me pay for said marvel of technology. or jut appreciate me from afar. i’m cool with that too. you know, whatever…..