Viral Fun!

fun little update on my webhosting drama…. i now get called about once a week from my hosting company, when i’ve never heard from them before, to tell me i have a virus. that they can’t tell me how bad it is, or what it does, but that they can remove it for an insane amount of money (for a free webcomic).

so, this is probably nothing. OR, the site is on borrowed time. but, unless i pay them to remove it, then pay monthy to make sure it never happens again. i feel like someone is trying to hard sell the undercoating and the extended warranty, but you never can be sure. BUT, out of an abundance of caution, and an under abundance of funds, i’ve backed up the site locally, and will back it up once a week.

but i know, i hear you asking ‘jason, you handsome rogue, what can i do to help?’ and i get that instinct. firstly, thank you for asking. join the discord. if anything goes down, you’ll be on the ground floor. on top of that, we have a tight knit group of chatting, it’s a blast. secondly, check out the patreon, and join up if you’re in the financial place to do so, cause this is capitalism, bay-bee, and money greases the wheels. shout out to all the patrons. we lose some from time to time, but financial situations can change, and i get that. if you’ve had to bow out for any reason, know that i appreciate you all the same.

lastly, i’m still working on the patreon goal of the short comic. it’s coming along, and will be ready in….. not soon. but for anyone who WAS a patron, and isn’t anymore, you earned yourself a copy, when it’s ready, you can message me, and i will link you to it.

so, that’s it, just a quick note to ramble about how we’re infected with the black and blue virus. just more added drama to the comic. i just felt like there wasn’t enough jeopardy to the plot, so, this helps move things along.