so here’s a weird thing that actually happened. before he died last year, i had a few long conversations with Captain Apollo.

yeah, richard hatch, that’s the original Battlestar captain (for that extra punch of nerd cred) was trying to get a comic off the ground. this was a few years ago, but a friend who had met him, and presumably passed, put him in contact with me. we chatted over webcam, and we talked at length about story, he shared with me his plot lines, and what he would like to see happen. good guy. a bit strange in a fun way, but he came up through science fiction tv in the 70s…. you can’t get out of that normal. look at shatner. i got a shatner story too, but that, as they say, is for another time.

for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being that this story i’m telling you now would have likely been my only compensation, i passed on the idea. not before i chipped a bunch of notes his way. i’m hopelessly helpful of creative endeavors IF, and only if, i think i can in some small way, improve them with my point of view. sadly, i don’t think he realized his idea before his passing. which is sad, but i also think it may have had a flaw, which no one was going to be able to wrestle out of the project.

i’m sure it has several names, jesus complex for one might fit, but he referred to his main character, as a ‘way shower’. a moses character, who, if nothing else, was destined to succeed, with a 50/50 chance of sacrificing themselves in the end, for an extra martyrdom boost. as a myth, that rocks. pure genius, don’t change a thing. as any other narrative…. maybe not as much.

at this point, i want to jump out ahead of it, i’m neither a star fucker, nor am i pissing on the memory of a sci fi legend. he was a cool guy. his story had an issue. to me, it’s a fatal flaw. but, i think it’s something alot of stories suffer from these days. and in a way, it comes down to jeopardy, and self doubt. if you can’t really lose, or there’s no feeling like you might, then no one will worry about you. no connection. no moment of doubt. if you don’t doubt yourself, you never have a low point. a point where everything is bleak, and you can barely go on. it’s the only way to get the best ‘moment of redemption’.

which brings me to ‘thor: ragnorok (2017)’

thor: ragnorak…. how can i say this… it’s as if we were watching the day dream of a white suburban kidĀ  who dropped acid in his mom’s basement while flash gordon was on tv in the background.

i actually liked it, somewhat. and i was pleasantly surprised that i actually expected thor to have the same issues i was discussing earlier, but not so much. as a kid, i never read much thor, cause i always saw him and alot of other conan-esque characters as the undisputed hero of their own story. why would i want to read about a legend in the making, when i can watch a series of close calls and near misses by someone who isn’t actually ‘a GOD’

all in all, i found it amusing, though ultimately forgettable. not as bad as i’d have thought, and not citizen kane. i think it suffered from the same conceit that alot of comic book movies suffer from. that we all know the source material, and we don’t need a big preamble when the hulk shows up half way into the movie. or dr strange provides help moving the plot along in act 1. or were they helping move along the dr strange movie to a sequel……? at any rate, if you showed this movie to someone who had no idea who any of these character were, it would be confusing and odd. then again, why would someoneĀ  like that be watching this movie? maybe the fans are better served not slowing down for noobs, and this is just the new formula for movies as series….

last note, i know it’s a super hero movie, but if cate blanchett is the ancient banished goddess of death, having her show up in pvc and halloween eye makeup is just dumb.