this scene is wrapping pretty soon, and it’s been a marathon of a blood bath. but seeing as how there’s been alot of set up so far, so it’s nice to see a little payoff with plot development. funny thing is, since characters now have arcs, and their personalities are cementing, they’re starting to fight me a little with the plot as i saw it. but it’s coming together, and everything is feeling tighter as i go on. but, in another year i’ll be acting like i just finally figured it out then, so, who knows.

but, time to give virgil a little break. he’s had a rough go of it, time to pick on someone else a little.

speaking of bullying, here’s a movie very much worth your time. it’s…..

MV5BMTk4MjQzMzA2N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTU2MzIzMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_Brick (2005)

say someone floats a premise at you like ‘noirish detective story in high school’, best you can probably hope for is a veronica mars, which was a guilty pleasure of mine, but mostly cause i like seeing meathead jocks tasered. i digress.

Brick came and went before i was aware of it, and i think that lack of fanfare was reflected at the box office. nevertheless, it’s a fun detective story that had all the elements. the actors were relatively all age appropriate to play teens, and yet their performances didn’t feel like the forced, hammy over acting of westside story i remember seeing when i was in school. i didn’t act. i painted some of the set. like a big donut… for some reason. man, i can not keep on track tonight!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt looped back in time to play Brenden, an awkward loner cut off by friends, and dragged into something by an old flame. that old chestnut. but there’s alot going on. old noir slang, which i’m a sucker for, and a pace and a feel that really sticks with you.

i was surprised how much i liked it, and maybe that was in part, due to the lack of hype. so i’ll simmer down a little and not build it up to much for you. but i think i know why i keep going off topic, and that’s part of what i really liked about Brick. it reminds you of being in high school. it has the cliques, the drama kids, the jocks, the rich kids, and the hero is a loner. that resonates with alot of people, cause whatever you think you were, you probably felt like the loner at least a bit. with any luck, you weren’t involved in heroin slinging gangs though. but maybe… no judgements.