so, star wars battlefront didn’t turn out to be the time consumer i hoped it would be (returning it for a refund was relatively quick), so i haven’t really lost much time. back to slaving over a hot cintiq, putting out more pages.

over the next few weeks, you’ll see something new, something i had planned to do to mix it up, but also just a fun pause for me. a palette cleanser if you will. thing is, when people are used to reading a 20+ page comic in one sitting, keeping anyone engaged with a half page every few days….. bear with me.

so, i should mention a movie, that’s kinda the thing i started. but this time, i think i’ll mention a magazine.

MV5BMzYzNTU1MjEzNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTQ0OTU5._V1_UY268_CR2,0,182,268_AL_ Heavy Metal (1981)

well, a magazine and a movie.

before it became…. well, ignore it after the 90s, it was a great collaborative hotspot. artists could get a snippet of a graphic novel or comic showcased in a publication that was more of an advertisement for variation than anything. a young ‘me’ was exposed to styles from ‘wherever’ that i wouldn’t have seen otherwise. how would a tween just starting to get bored of drawing robotech, know that moebius was pushing the edge half way around the planet, or that someone had watercoloured an eerily beautiful story about kids who unravel a neighborhood mystery, after eating a pie made from pumpkins from a killers garden?

the movie embodied the spirit of the publication. short animations, all different styles, all different vibes.

they made another movie, and more magazines, but by then, that spark had left. they had tried to boil it down to it’s base components and recipe, to mass market the tonic, but they had missed out on something crucial. and it’s really too bad. maybe that same spirit reignited somewhere else, somewhere on the internet years later. i never saw it. i still miss being excited to see that it had arrived, once every 2 months at the convenience store, putting down money i barely had, and then pouring over how some french guy i would never know decided to draw biceps, or trash cans, or tell a story.