Know Your Writes
first off, i wanted to give a shout out to my new Patrons, and all the kindly people who’ve donated since i started up my Ko-Fi page. It means a lot when people part with their hard earned coinage to help me produce my little comic. If you can, of course that’s great, if you’re not in a finacial position to do it, i totally understand. but if you think to do it, do me a favour and share the comic with a friend. One set of eyeballs at a time!

when i was a younger lad, about as tall, half as wise, but still as big a wise ass, i thought voting was pointless. it was an attitude i shared freely as sort of a conversation killer with people i didn’t care to not alienate. it was a belief i knew to be unpopular with people who were annoyed with the state of politics, and while i was no less annoyed with the world than they were, my annoyance manifested itself in a sort of preemptive throwing in of the towel, as it were. then i noticed something interesting…. people didn’t want to hear me complain anymore. not that my opinions weren’t valid, and not that i was more of a bore than they were, it’s just, why would someone want to hear someone bitch about X, when they didn’t even care to put in the smallest effort into something that could possibly change it?

so to my american friends, whether or not you think it changes anything, register now, go and vote. cause if you vote, no matter what happens next, you can complain about the results. you can bitch, and moan, and rant and get pissed off.  cause in the end, complaining about stupid politics is the best. and you don’t really get to if you don’t pretend to try.

thank you for listening to my TED talk, pretending to give a shit for sociopaths.